Don't think that just May 19th is the only day to do this, do it more often! Although, there is excitement about doing something on the same day world wide, it gives a sense of strength and the feeling that yes we really can make a difference ! Talk to friends, family well just anyone that eats and will listen. Maybe you know someone that has SNAP, let them know our market accepts this and they CAN have fresh fruits and vggies from the market! One way to help is spread the word about the Farmers Market, believe it or not their are many that do not have access to a computer and even other media sources. If you know of someone in your community that doesn't drive, is to far to walk or can't walk, offer a ride or perhaps offer to get some items when you go to the market. Then when you done shopping together, make a point to maybe share a meal together or maybe make some muffins, scones or quick bread, then have coffee or tea together! Let food be more then just nourishment for the body, let it help with the mind and soul!
Remember to talk to the farmers, who better to know about food then the ones that have grown and harvested it! Or learn about another culture, you will be surprised to learn what we all have in common through food! I always tell my students in my cooking classes, we can all learn so much through food!
So stop down to the Farmers Market every week there is something your never know what might be avaialbe!
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